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Leadershipbychoice tsheets


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateNovember 20, 2017
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaPersonal Development
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

We have created the concept of leadership to be outside of the reach of the normal population. We save it for the high and mighty and remove ourselves from its responsibilities. How do we bring leadership back to its grounding principle – that leadership is a choice. One that is availability to each of us at every moment.

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding that leadership is a choice.

  • Recognizing the impact you have on others.

  • Identifying leadership moments for us to take advantage of.

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Konrad, NV

"I initially tuned in for the "free CPE" -- However, the information presented was definitely things that I can use EVERY day! I also appreciated the information from T-Sheets and now understand the connection between the two. I'm going to use the free TSheetsPro subscription to see how I'm actually spending my day, so that I can be more intentional about getting things done. LOVE this webinar!!!"
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Ashley, GA

"Danielle was a very effective presenter. The subject matter was very interesting, and she was able to keep my attention and help memremember many things I have heard before. It was wonderful to hear these things again! I believe everyone would get something out of hearing this presentation! Thank you!"
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Ann, VA

"This was my first experience with CPAacademy and I was very pleased. Danielle was on point and her information was meaningful. Her presentation was well-balanced and included information that I'll be able to use immediately."
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Jackye, OR

"When a presenter evokes a connection over the phone/in a webinar, it's got to be mind-blowing to have them speak in person. Danielle Aarenson is a powerful presenter and I welcome the opportunity to see her in person!"
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Stephanie, TX

"Fantastic presentation, well organized and delivered with energy & clarity. Extremely applicable with great examples and personal hands-on activities."
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Jaymie, GA

"The webinar was great. It really brightened my day and gave me several takeaways to improve both my work and life attitudes. Thanks, Danielle."
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Christopher, PA

"Very well done! I study leadership extensively and this was very helpful. I was sorry when it came to the end. The presenter was very good!"
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Lynne, Other

"I loved the examples that Danielle shared with us. I will take these an integrate these into my daily life to keep a positive attitude."
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Innerwill new

Danielle provides audiences the opportunity to reflect on small changes they can make to act with intention and in alignment with their core values, beliefs, and purpose. Valuing dynamic and interactive presentations, she creates a customized experience for each client based on organizational and event expectations and needs. Her mission of helping individuals find ways to live into their passion and purpose illustrates her unique approach to the leadership conversation.

About Our Sponsor

TSheets is a time tracking application designed and engineered for companies across multiple industries that need to track, manage and report time. Utilizing web-based, cloud computing technology that integrates with multiple platforms, smartphones and software programs, TSheets provides a customizable alternative to paper timesheets and punch cards to streamline HR and IT roles for businesses of all sizes—from freelance shops to corporations employing tens of thousands.